Make your competition an after-thought & command the fee’s you want (Become the MVC)…

When mapping out the building blocks for your offer (whether it’s high ticket or low…) you would want to make sure your viewer acts through obligation (for the sake of their well being, business, or loved ones) instead of treating it as an option (and I’ll show you how to create this building block in a second).

So what’s the difference between obligation and an option (in terms of prospects looking for help)?

First, obligation is something that’s sought after based on one’s morals and overall commitment. Take a look at the definition pulled from the web below:


  • An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
  • The condition of being morally or legally bound to do something.
  • A debt of gratitude for a service or favor.

After your prospect has come across a dozen other brands, and finds that your source is the most valuable or life changing. They begin assigning a commitment to themselves to buy what you are offering to solve their problems.

Now when your offer is an option (meaning that what you are offering is just like what everyone else is offering), your viewer can take it or leave it.

The real question is, “How can I construct my offer so it’s no longer an option, and how do I turn my offer into an “apex offer” so people will know it’s at the top of the food chain?”

Well it all starts with mapping out your building blocks for your offer and brand before your hands even touch the keyboard… So your offer is pursued via obligation rather than evaluated as an option.

And here’s how to do just that:

All it is, is just a small system which consists of 2 steps:

Step #1: Research ( I’m talking about 5-10 pages, then doing more research so you get 20+ pages). You want to research the fuck out of your offer, you want to know everything about everything about your offer. Basically what you’re being paid to research if you’re a copywriter.

Common sense disclaimer: Don’t fill up 20 pages and put a bunch of spaces between paragraphs just to get to that amount. If you have 7 solid pages of research, and you know you have what you need, and you exhausted all research avenues, you’re good.

“Ryan, why would I want to do so much research. Shouldn’t it be good enough just to get some nice conversions?”

Well yeah that’s cool and all, but it doesn’t work for this next step. Because when you achieve this next step you subdue your competition (unless your target market is “everyone and everybody” and you have a wonder client).

Step #2: Use the insane amount of research you did to become an MVC “Most Valuable Consultant”.

Think about it, when you’re speaking to the most valuable consultant in your industry, or you’re reading their shit (literature). You don’t realize they are the most valuable consultant because they tell you or through their branding, you figure it out because everything they say is top notch and they’re on their game. You know they’re on their game because they raise yours…

You’re probably wondering what an “MVC” is…

An MVC (Most Valuable Consultant) can take all shapes and forms.

It can be a source from a monthly newsletter, it could be the person with the best method for hair growth, or it can take the form as a spokesperson.

It’s basically leverage in the form of a paradigm that gets prospects to buy from you through obligation. Being an MVC is something that can’t be faked. Your content is either helping people or it’s not.

People will eventually catch on if what you are offering is a similar solution to what’s out there.

Side rant: Even if what you are offering is a commodity, you can always transform what you are offering so your platform or storefront offers the Most Valuable Consulting. Remember, consulting isn’t always an entree, it’s an never ending appetizer.

So during the building block phase of your offer, when you’re engineering emotions and responses. You want to figure out how you can position your offer or your clients (better yet the entire company and brand), as a source where they get The Most Valuable Consultant in comparison to what they are getting in the market.

When you’re simply the most valuable consultant in your industry, you cut out a lot of the B.S. flash-marketing that everyone else clings to.

“But Ryan, what about duh big idea, doesn’t dat do somethin?”

Well when you do research in a specific way and you know what to look for, uncompetable and market-changing ideas will come to you under the correct viewpoint. You just have to know how to catch them is all.

Interested in having me position you as The Most Valuable Consultant and have me put together your marketing asset (that should be working to make you sales while you sleep)?

Click this link or copy and paste it into your browser above:

After you click the link, fill out the form. If you like what you read and I like what’s on the application, we’ll be talking soon.

Do you have a favorite writer, yet you want me to help give them the ammo (research) they need to elevate your brand so it’s more relevant? If I accept your application, let me know and we can set that up.

If long applications frustrate you at any point, feel free to leave my site entirely. That’s the first disqualifier.

Always give value,


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